Strangers – Today

On this day in history, April 3 . . .
Since 1814, The Athenaeum has been visited by politicians, diplomats, scientists, and literary figures. Our guest book was traditionally called the Record of Strangers: each non-member, or "Stranger" was usually signed in by an Athenaeum member. Here are the Strangers who signed in on this date over the years.
Mr. W. W. [William Walcott] Wadsworth
(signed in by W H [William Hypolitus] Keating)

Sunday April 3, 1831
Philosophical Hall
104 South Fifth Street, Independence Square, First Floor


Occupation: Unknown
Residence: Geneseo [New York]

Volume 3 

William Walcott Wadsworth, 1810 — 1852

William Walcott Wadsworth was a visitor from, Geneseo, New York. He was likely the son of frequent Athenaeum visitor James Wadsworth, land surveyor and leader in the early settlement of the Genesee Valley in New York. The elder Wadsworth was also a funder of the Geneseo Atheneum, which opened in 1842. Names of multiple members of the Wadsworth family appear throughout the Record of Strangers.
