Strangers – Today

On this day in history, January 11 . . .
Since 1814, The Athenaeum has been visited by politicians, diplomats, scientists, and literary figures. Our guest book was traditionally called the Record of Strangers: each non-member, or "Stranger" was usually signed in by an Athenaeum member. Here are the Strangers who signed in on this date over the years.
Rear Admiral [Oliver Spencer] Glisson
(signed in by Robt. [Robert] Pettit)

Thursday January 11, 1872


Occupation: Naval Officer
Residence: USN [U. S. Navy]

Volume 5 

Oliver Spencer Glisson, January 18, 1809 — November 20, 1890

Oliver Spencer Glisson was an American naval officer. He entered the U.S. Navy in 1826 as part of the West Indies Squadron. His naval career would span nearly half a century, across multiple squadrons and both the Mexican-American War and American Civil War. Before the Civil War, Glisson participated in the Japan Expedition, which opened Japan to trade and diplomatic relations with the west. He was promoted to Rear Admiral of the Navy in 1870, while in command of the European squadron. Glisson retired and returned to the United States less than a year later. This visit to the Athenaeum came about a year after his retirement.
